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Ending Period Poverty

Ending period poverty is not just a matter of access to hygiene products; it's about dignity, equality, and social justice. From undermining individual well-being to perpetuating gender disparities, the impacts are profound. Join IRFF UK as we explore the importance of addressing this critical issue and the transformative potential of ensuring menstrual equity for all.
What Perpetuates Period Poverty

Period Poverty Stems From Economic Factors

Low Income, Joblessness & Financial Uncercertainly
Period poverty stems from economic factors like low income, joblessness, and financial uncertainty. Disparities in income, the accessibility and affordability of menstrual products, and cultural norms contribute to regional variations. Discrepancies in access to education, awareness, and job prospects further compound economic struggles and worsen period poverty.

Initiatives like our charity for Africa aims at tackling this issue by taking into account the distinct economic hurdles faced in each region, encompassing income disparities, cultural beliefs, and the efficacy of governmental measures.
Period poverty intersects with gender inequality and social exclusion through various mechanisms

How does period poverty intersect with issues like gender inequality and social exclusion?

Period poverty intensifies gender inequality by disproportionately affecting girls and women, limiting their opportunities and reinforcing economic disparities. Through our charity work in Africa we are committed to fighting period poverty and creating more gender equality, especially in the education sector.

Lack of access to menstrual products can hinder girls' education and women's participation in the workforce, perpetuating existing gender disparities.

Social exclusion occurs when individuals face stigma and marginalisation due to their inability to manage menstruation adequately.

Discriminatory practices surrounding menstruation contribute to the isolation of those experiencing period poverty, further deepening social inequalities. As a period poverty charity we have multiple initiatives to combat this.

Period poverty is often perpetuated by entrenched gender norms and discriminatory practices that limit women's access to resources and opportunities.

Unequal access to education and workplace discrimination can contribute to economic vulnerabilities, exacerbating the impact of period poverty.

Period poverty is closely intertwined with gender inequality and social exclusion. The inability to manage menstruation due to economic factors reinforces existing gender disparities and can lead to social stigmatisation
How Would You Deal With A Period?

Are there specific challenges faced by marginalised communities in accessing menstrual products?

Limited Access to Hygiene Facilities and Affordable Products
Marginalised communities often face inadequate access to basic hygiene facilities and struggle to afford essential menstrual products. Economic disparities and resource allocation issues may result in insufficient infrastructure, hindering individuals from managing menstruation hygienically.
Discrimination and Prejudice
Discrimination and prejudice exacerbate challenges for marginalised communities, creating barriers to accessing menstrual products without facing judgement or bias. Stigmatisation can discourage individuals from seeking help or support, perpetuating the cycle of limited access to necessary resources.
Cultural and Language Barriers
Cultural and language barriers pose challenges in effectively communicating information about menstrual hygiene to marginalised communities. Misunderstandings or lack of awareness may lead to ineffective education initiatives, limiting the adoption of proper menstrual hygiene practices.

What policies and regulations, if any, exist to address period poverty on a governmental level?

Provision of Free or Subsidised Menstrual Products
In certain countries, governments have implemented measures to supply menstrual products free of charge or at reduced prices in schools, public facilities, and social welfare programs. These initiatives are designed to alleviate financial burdens and ensure access to essential menstrual hygiene products.
Elimination of "Tampon Tax" and Enhanced Accessibility
Regulatory efforts often target the removal of taxes, such as the "tampon tax" or value-added tax (VAT), on menstrual products, making them more affordable for the general population. Additionally, governments may strive to enhance accessibility through strategic distribution and awareness campaigns.
Education and Awareness Initiatives
Some governments prioritise education and awareness programs aimed at destigmatizing menstruation, promoting proper hygiene practices, and addressing the root causes of period poverty.
Integration with Health and Education Policies
Policies addressing period poverty may be integrated into broader health and education frameworks to ensure a comprehensive approach to menstrual hygiene management.

However, the extent and effectiveness of these policies vary significantly among countries.

Implementation & Results Vary On Governments
While some nations have made significant progress in addressing period poverty through legislative measures, others may lack specific policies altogether. Continuous advocacy and collaboration among governments, NGOs, and communities are crucial for developing and implementing effective policies to tackle period poverty globally.

See how IRFF UK is acting as a charity for Africa.
How Can You Contribute To Solving Period Poverty?

What role do NGOs, charities, and community organisations play in providing menstrual products and education on menstrual hygiene?

NGOs, charities, and community organisations play a crucial role in addressing menstrual hygiene needs through various initiatives:

NGOs and charities often distribute free menstrual products to individuals facing economic challenges, ensuring access to essential hygiene resources. This direct support helps bridge gaps in accessibility and affordability, especially in regions where government support may be limited or insufficient.

Community organisations frequently organise educational workshops on menstrual hygiene, aiming to dispel myths, promote proper practices, and empower individuals to manage their menstrual health effectively. These workshops contribute to breaking down stigmas surrounding menstruation and fostering a more informed and supportive community. IRFF UK plays an important role as a period poverty charity providing education to young girls and women on menstrual hygiene.

NGOs, charities, and community organisations play a pivotal role in raising awareness about menstrual health and hygiene issues on a broader scale. Through awareness campaigns, these organisations work to destigmatise menstruation, challenge cultural norms, and advocate for policy changes to address period poverty.

NGOs often engage in advocacy efforts to influence policy changes at local, national, and international levels. They work to promote comprehensive policies that address the economic, educational, and social aspects of period poverty.

These organisations target their efforts toward vulnerable communities, ensuring that marginalised groups, such as refugees, homeless individuals, or those in low-income areas, receive the necessary support.

NGOs may conduct research and collect data on menstrual health and hygiene issues, providing valuable insights that can inform targeted interventions and policy recommendations.

Find Out How How IRFF is Fighting Period Poverty

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Empowering Communities
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Charity Number: 281776

98 Dyke Drive, Orpington, BR5 4LZ