Charity Gambia
A Successful Project in Empowering Youth Through Vocational Training

Together We Can Make a Difference

Charity Gambia: Transforming Lives Through Education

Vocational training of young people is very important. According to the African Center for Economic Transformation, one-fifth of the global population under the age of 25 now resides in rapidly growing Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The region’s working-age population was expected to reach 600 million in 2030, with a youth share of 37 percent. With the right education and training, coupled with well-defined national development strategies and employment policies, Africa’s large and fast-growing youth population could be a great asset for development and provide a comparative advantage in world markets.
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Our Mission: Charity Gambia and G.E.S.T.P.

The Girl’s Empowerment and Skill’s Training Project (G.E.S.T.P.) was dedicated to providing young women with vocational training (TVET), equipping them with the skills needed for a brighter future in employment or self-employment.
Learning to make hand dyed towels

The Charity Gambia Project at a Glance

Sukuta Town, located in the Kombo North District in Gambia, is an impoverished region where many young women lack access to education and, consequently, the ability to achieve financial independence. These young women often had no option but to marry at an early age.

The Charity Gambia initiative, through G.E.S.T.P., successfully renovated an existing building into a multipurpose facility to enable the education of young women in this and nearby communities. Initially operating out of rented premises, the project saw 20 young women graduate in the first group of trainees, known as Cohort 1, in June. They acquired skills in tie-dying as well as commercial and business skills. The second group of trainees, known as Cohort 2, consisting of 25 young women, started their course in October 2022.
Our aims

Fundraising Aims for Charity Gambia and Partners

IRFF UK collaborated with a charity to raise money
IRFF UK, in collaboration with a US-based charity, helped raise substantial funds for this Charity Gambia project. The primary fundraising goals included:
- Funding the graduation ceremony in March 2023, which hosted many local dignitaries.
- Procuring materials required for the third group of trainees,
- Cohort 3, later in the year.
- Covering training and administration costs.
Focusing on self-sustaining programmes
Together with the Village Development Committee of Sukuta, the Charity Gambia project aimed to develop a self-sustaining programme and expand it to other communities. Plans included creating a multipurpose centre with space for classes, hands-on skills training, meetings, and cultural activities.
Making a real difference

The Impact of Charity Gambia

Empowering Women
The Charity Gambia initiative made a significant difference in the lives of young women in Sukuta Town and nearby communities. By providing vocational training, the project empowered these women with the skills and knowledge they needed to achieve financial independence and improve their communities.
Celebrating Success
IRFF UK is proud to have been a part of the Charity Gambia project. The dedication and hard work of everyone involved led to the successful empowerment of numerous young women, helping them build better futures for themselves and their communities.

Join Us in Reflecting on Charity Gambia

Reflecting on the successes of Charity Gambia, we are inspired by the positive changes brought about through education and vocational training. While this specific project has concluded, the impact of the skills and knowledge imparted to the young women continues to resonate.
Stay Connected with Charity Gambia. For more information on past projects like Charity Gambia or to get involved in our ongoing initiatives, please view our other project

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Empowering Communities
and Changing Lives

Charity Number: 281776

98 Dyke Drive, Orpington, BR5 4LZ